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30 things to consider for raise sells on your website


  • Website and application loading speeds should be fast,

  • Usage of social media should be good, work with influencers,

  • All technical and on-site seo optimizations must be completed,

  • Website and application designs should be attractive,

  • The selling prices of the products should not be higher than the market average,

  • The images and videos on the website should be optimized, the server selection should be correct,

  • Payment options should not be insufficient,

  • Website and application designs should be user-friendly,

  • Product images and videos should not be insufficient,

  • Shipping options should be more and shipping charges should not be high,

  • Product descriptions, model information, size tables and technical information must be complete,

  • All technical structures, which are indispensable for digital advertisements, should be set up completely, data should not be lost,

  • The campaigns should not be insufficient in number,

  • The delivery times of the products should be short, there should be options such as same day delivery,

  • The reliability of the website should not be low,

  • The target audience of the digital and offline advertisements should be suitable for the target audience of the brand,

  • The packaging of the orders should be done very well,

  • The brand’s customer service quality should be high,

  • Product quality should not be low,

  • The categories of the products must be correctly matched,

  • The product and category range of the brand should not be insufficient,

  • The satisfaction of the customers who buy the products should be included in the product comments,

  • The return and exchange policy on the website should be complete,

  • The continuation of the products sold, the intervention of the products that do not sell, with the campaign,

  • The marketing architecture of the brand should be fully established,

  • The basket average of the website should not be low, the conversion rates should be high,

  • Creative and quality content should be produced for social media,

  • Outputs of digital advertisements and website metrics should be constantly examined,

  • Post-order support should be error-free, a good customer experience should be provided,

  • Finally, you should definitely work with BusinessUp. 😬


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