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There are hundreds of items that affect the growth and increase of the brand’s turnover, if these items are applied when the time comes, the brand tends to grow.
1- You should enlarge your social media accounts and continuously strengthen your organic ground. You can do brand awareness ads for this. In addition, strengthening your social media accounts; It will enable the development of special target audiences that you will use for advertisements and contribute to your turnover.
2- In order for users to shop quickly from your site; Technical structures that speed up shopping, such as site speed, check-out pages, non-membership shopping, credit card registration, must be ready. You can also accelerate your turnover by activating conversion-enhancing third-party software.
3- You should determine your campaign calendar and plan budget and traffic increases for the campaign. If you are a new brand, it will be beneficial to plan campaigns with assertive prices, and the fact that medium and large-scale brands offer different campaigns according to the customer segment will directly affect the turnover.
4- You should strengthen your stocks, work to increase the stock turnover rate of your non-sold products, ensure the continuity of your selling products, and do category and season-based studies.
5- If you are tired of trial/error methods, BusinessUp! you should work with ✌️
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