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There are hardly any companies without a logo, but the truth is that we forget most of the logos we see. Only the logos of some brands are remembered. I explain how this works and 7 rules that will make your job easier when designing a good logo.
Expert: Hilal Rençber – Graphic Designer
1- Be Clear
The first step in creating a good logo design is to keep it simple, which will make it easy to remember. Because people only look at your logo for a few seconds or less, and most of the time they only see it indirectly. Graphic Designers should focus on this point when designing a logo and keep the logo simple to make it much easier for the viewer to memorize it.
2- Connect with Your Target Audience
You need to figure out how your logo will speak to your target audience’s age, education, values, and hobbies, and use design elements. The biggest difference between a good logo design and an average logo design; The best thing is to stay in the minds of customers. Because the message your logo wants to convey to them; You need to provide it with colors and fonts.
3- Stuck yourself in their mind
Creating a memorable logo design may seem difficult, but what you need to achieve with your logo is that people who see it only once can describe it to someone else or draw it on paper. In this way, we succeed and remain in the minds of your target audience. To be memorable, you should always create an impression and give them the message you want to convey.
4- Be Timeless
Avoid graphic design trends when designing logos. The focus of logo design is to showcase the brand identity and message using graphic design language and avoid using trends that have no connection to the brand. These design trends may look good today, but no one can guarantee that they will last. You can take the logo to the next level by developing and adding innovations to the logo over time, but constant changes can prevent people from remembering and associating your logo with your brand.
5- Design Versatile
It is important to think about where it will be used and adapt it to the different environments in which it will be placed, ensuring that it looks good in these environments as well. You should consider that your logo design can be used in an instagram profile picture or a giant banner all over the city. That’s why you need to design your logo to be positioned on digital platforms such as mobile or web, but also in print works.
6- Color and Typography
As with shapes, each color and typography has meaning and conveys different emotions. For example, red can convey passion, blue can convey trust, in typography rounded fonts can convey food and affection, and pointed and thin fonts can convey grace and elegance. Colors can also evoke real-life elements.
7- Be different
Stand out from your competitors. Remember, you can be just as much as them by being like them. For example, if you are creating a logo for an airline related brand, avoid using airplane illustrations as this is too obvious and it will be difficult for your target audience to distinguish your brand from other airlines. Instead, try to move forward with more metaphorical concepts and express what makes the brand unique with your logo.
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