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Let’s say that it is a somewhat ambitious post, but it is important that you face the facts. Your products are sold in the marketplaces, but the selling platform gains the data. You can see only the name, surname and address of the customer, but you can never see which product he bought with your product, how much the total order amount is, how many pages he visited, which products by examining which products, and how long it took to complete the order🧐 So why is “data recovery” important? Since you have the customer’s e-mail address, you can do e-mail marketing. If you managed to get your token, you can send campaign or information push notifications. Most importantly, you can capture the customer identity and retargeting and remarketing. By including it in your loyalty programs, you can keep it ordering, or by continuing to sell in the marketplaces, you can expect a seller with a price 1 unit lower than you to come and be listed in front of you, and your sales will decrease🤫
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